Our Brewing Process


What Kinds of Beer Do We Make?

English Ales? German Lagers? Belgians? IPAs? Dark beers? Light beers? Sours? Seltzers? The answer is: ALL OF THEM (and everything in between)! We brew a wide spectrum of beers because we we enjoy all types of beer, and we want to be sure that there’s always something on tap for everyone to enjoy.

When guests say they don't like beer, we just figure they haven't met the right beer yet. Everyone on our Tasting Room team is a Cicerone-certified beer server, so they are trained to help each person find the perfect beer for them.


Beer Names: Why Don’t We Use Beer Styles?

Beer style categories are a modern concept originally created to help beer geeks categorize the vast spectrum of beers and judge them according to how well they fit their style in beer competitions. But most beer drinkers don't know the difference between all 121 beer styles (nor do they care), so we decided that we don't want to force people to learn them.

Guests just want to drink beer that tastes good to them! Instead of style names, we give our beers descriptive names that are often evocative of their flavors and tasting notes. And in many cases, there is a clever double entendre in the name as well!


 We're Serious About Science

We have a modern, hi-tech approach to brewing. We run our own lab where we track, test, and analyze our beer throughout the brewing process.